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The Story of Earthmonk

About Earthmonk and its founder, Fiona

Hi, my name is Fiona, welcome to Earthmonk. Within the many pages of this website you will find blogs, T-shirts, tops, accessories and even a self-help book, all curated with the intention of sharing timeless wisdom and spiritual inspiration along with a generous sprinkling of soul.

Earthmonk began life some seven years ago with the goal of sharing uplifting and inspiring spiritual wisdoms through ‘clothing with soul’. With messages drawn from various ancient wisdom traditions through to manifestation and quantum theory, my hope is that every time you pull on your Earthmonk top you feel inspired by what you wear!

I am often asked when my spiritual journey began and with the benefit of hindsight I can recognise that as a child I was guided by spirit.  Strong flips of my stomach always told me I would be asked to read aloud, buzzing in my ears let me know when the teacher was going to call my name and there was one significant moment when I was steered away from danger. I was deeply sensitive and empathic, a child of an artist and master craftsman and I grew up surrounded by all the paraphernalia of art, sculpture and woodwork.


By the time I was  a young adult premonitions and insights filled my daily life and led me to a fascination for star signs. I gave in depth readings to people on how they ticked just by them telling me their star sign, I know now I was channelling spirit.  I told my friend at nineteen that I hoped I would meet a spiritual teacher. Three years later she was to cross my path through a series of coincidences.

I sat in a weekly circle learning meditation where my beloved teacher channelled various wonderful, enlightened souls including Brother Luke and White feather. Slowly over the months of friendship and mentorship I rebuilt the foundations of my life, which I have to confess were pretty shambolic, and began to build my faith and a new way of experiencing life embracing concepts and belief systems around topics such as karma, reincarnation and personal responsibility. I also began the life long journey of self discovery and healing.


A few years later I would go on to meet my second spiritual teacher and once again I sat in a circle of healing and meditation. This time my spiritual teacher and I toured the spiritual churches of the South Coast of the UK and as he channelled spiritual guidance I would sketch psychic portraits, always too nervous to share the clairvoyance I received as I drew them.

Slowly my confidence grew sufficiently as a medium that I began seeing my first clients and this has remained a continual thread running through my life. I now work in a multi sensory way – I can see, feel, hear and sense as I work spiritually. I do not do fortune telling and rarely predict future events instead I specialise in helping people who are in need of spiritual guidance and counsel. I also specialise in past life connections. Information about our past lives offers historical and contemporary contextual references to the themes running through our current life. I am an NLP Master Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and published author. You can find my book, “Six Spiritual Steps to Mend a Broken Heart” on sale here at Earthmonk. In recent years I have also sat with various teachers of indigenous shamanic traditions. Over the years I have worked with hundreds of people in one-to-ones and at workshops teaching stress resilience, meditation and how to live a happier and more contented life.


Like many people my life has not been without its fair share of trials, tribulations and disasters. Whilst such times feel like they test the limits of our endurance I firmly believe that such times can be a springboard for transformation, growth and self-discovery. I believe that if we are brave enough to sit with our pain and explore the lessons in our wounds we all have the capacity to heal, grow and evolve.

In many ways Earthmonk seems to be a natural expression of what I love to do. At events and festivals the architect in me can create the space, the T-shirt designs enable me to draw and I write my blogs with spirit guiding me.

In addition to running Earthmonk, I am currently developing a well-being course with my great friend Trudy Goodman Kornfield. Trudy and I hope to start a podcast together sometime in 2024 – watch this space!


My ultimate vision for Earthmonk is to add to the wonderful clothing line, by developing online courses, training and mentorship programmes as well as running retreat events from Devon UK, where I currently live with my husband and children.

I have put ethics at the heart of everything I do at Earthmonk and I am beyond proud that we rank with Ethical Consumer as a U.K. Best Buy company. Earthmonk is also Vegan and gives 10% from every sale to projects that support the indigenous people of the Brazilian Amazon. After all reciprocity is the natural flow of life.  All our clothes are made from organic cotton and sometimes recycled fibres and everything is hand screen printed.

Fiona Hancock, Founder of Earthmonk

Fiona Hancock, Founder of Earthmonk

If you would like to become part of the Earthmonk community then do join our Facebook page, with nearly 256,000 followers, it is a hub for all those who like me wish to walk with love and compassion in their hearts and look beyond the physical realm for greater meaning and purpose in our daily life.

I hope that you enjoy the website.

Thanks for reading.
