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How to sync with your soul blog

How to sync with your soul

There is nothing more powerful in navigating the trials and tribulations of life than being connected to your soul. Being able to sit in quiet communion with the essence of your spiritual being gives you an inner strength, a radiant light and enables you to live a more spiritually connected life.


Your soul is your eternal self and as such it is the centre of your innate wisdom and intuition. I like to imagine it as beautiful candle within your heart. The flame flickers with life as long as you are alive but with intention you can make that flame shine with a visible radiance. Through it you can connect with the oneness of all life and foster your connection with source (whatever you conceive that to be).  When you sync with you soul you are better able to live in alignment with your purpose and passions, you will be able to build an inner anchor of balance, strength and resilience. You will also find that whilst the challenges of life remain just that, a challenge, you can navigate life with a greater sense of inner peace and enjoy a more rewarding and conscious existence.


Doesn’t that all sound wonderful? Many wrongly assume that you have to live the life of a monk to attain this level of spiritual connection with your soul but you don’t. Simple small practices (repeated frequently) enable you to build a connection with your soul. Here are my top suggestions that you can start trying today!


1. Do things you love

It sounds simple but you can access your soul through the pleasures, that quite literally, make your heart sing. It’s easy to get so busy that we overlook the pleasures of life but it has to be a balance of work and play. Make the time for hobbies and moments that you love.


2. Step outside of the routine and go for a walk in nature

Whether it’s the woods, the park or the beach nature that restores your energy refreshes the sense and gives you a new perspective – it is a great source of timeout and therefore connection with your soul.


3. Meditation

Arguably the most important tool you have to access the soul and begin the connection within. If we had a pound for everyone who has said to us, ‘I can’t mediate, my mind is far too busy,’ we’d be able to save the Amazon rainforest. Nowadays you have at your disposal a wealth of ways in which you can access meditation. Why not attend a class; you could take up yoga which nearly always ends in a lovely mediation. Or you can have a look on YouTube or you could download an app. We recommend by starting with a ten-minute mediation daily if possible or at least 3 times a week. Remember the more often you establish the habit of meditation the more benefit you will get out of it as well as raising the frequency of your mind, body and spirit.

Our favourite spiritual apps are:

  • Insight Timer (lots of customers have chatted to us about this app when we have been
    on the road with Earthmonk!)
  • Headspace
  • Buddhify
  • Simply Being


4. Read something uplifting and enlightening

Anything will do. It’s all about connection with embracing the unseen aspects of life. Or start listening to podcasts and listening to spiritually uplifting talks and discussions. Anything that exposes you to new insights and ideas works – we love the Ram Dass App.


5. Practice gratitude – it’s good for the soul

Gratitude opens up your heart and helps you to connect with your true self. You could start a gratitude journal noting down three things everyday that you were grateful for. You’re not allowed to repeat the same things – the point is you get into the habit of seeking out the joy each new day has to offer you and in doing so re-programme your mind to seek out the positive.
A good free app for this is Day One Journal.

There are also lots of apps available for positive thinking, affirmations and mantras. You could try Spirit Junkie App, The Kindness App or maybe The Secret.


6. Allow time to be alone with yourself

When do we ever do this? Quiet, alone time. No TV, no mobile, no iPad, no laptop. Just quiet time alone with yourself. Classical music is allowed so is bubble bath.

On a day to day basis your soul has to compete against the constant chatter of your monkey mind and most of the time it’s wrapped beneath the many layers, some brutal, of life’s noise, wounds and distractions. So be patient and allow your skill and confidence to organically grow, with a bit of effort you will soon be able to feel the benefits and enjoy the rewards of being one with your true self.


7.  Journalling

Journalling is a really powerful way to connect with your innate wisdom and higher self. You can make journalling a beautiful ritual – setting aside a specific time and place and then lighting a candle, smudging yourself and your journal, saying a prayer even drinking cacao. You can ask the universe to join you in this process – imagining heavenly golden light tumbling down and encircling you throughout the process. At the end you can give gratitude to the universe and imagine the golden light gently withdrawing. Whilst beautiful this is not essential simply grabbing a pen and paper and writing out your thoughts and feelings begins a process of self discovery and exploration. You can give yourself specific prompts to explore like – what do I want? What would I like to attract? What have I learnt? What would I like to attract in? Or you can just see what comes out when you put pen to paper. Journalling is about making the space to sit and connect with yourself, within this space great revelations and insight can be gleaned! Done as one off is often useful if you can journal on a regular basis you will be amazed at the revelations!


I hope you enjoyed reading my ideas on how to sync and connect with your soul. If you did then stay tuned as I hope to release some eBooks and courses in the forthcoming months on how to live a more spiritual and happy life. You can also to my monthly newsletter in which I share more spiritual insight as well as unique offers on my clothing with soul. You might also like to join my beautiful community of Facebook friends @earthmonkclothing.




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