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a blog sharing tips on how to let your soul shine

Let your soul shine brightly – top tips

We watched the news last night and quite frankly for the most part it was quite depressing. How is it possible that mankind is still arguing over religion? How is it possible that we are still unable to live with respect, tolerance and compassion for each other not to mention the planet we live on?
But whilst it’s easy to slide into despair with all the strife and unrest in the world it’s also worth remembering that the world is also filled with remarkable, uplifting and inspiring people. So what can we do to make a difference too?
All the ancient teachings tell us that life is about personal responsibility, we can only be responsible for ourselves and our path, likewise we cannot change others we can only change ourselves. So basically all change starts within ourselves – so the first step is to accept that we need to be the change that we would like to see in the world. Live by example. Be good, be kind, be tolerant, be generous.
Steer clear of negativity or fear as much as possible – the media is great at creating a culture of fear, it’s good for sales but it is not good for the soul, compromising both your energy and potential. The opposite action is required. Love, compassion, peace and harmony – all these wonderful positive aspects all allow your natural inner radiance to shine. If we all do our best to be the lighthouse keepers of our souls and work with love and compassion, then we can play our part and make this world a better place.
Ultimately it’s about setting your intention to do all you can to let your light shine. What makes you shine might well be different to others but inspiration is a great start.
• Maybe it’s time you downloaded a mindfulness or meditation app.
• What about listening to some inspiring lectures by some inspiring spiritual teachers like Ram Dass, Eckhart Tolle, Jack Kornfield or Sharan Salzburg. Check out the podcasts available on the ‘Be Here Now’ network.
• What about reading some inspiring books to open your mind and expand your consciousness.
There is a huge amount of research that supports the power of gratitude. Why not start a gratitude diary making note of new things everyday that have you have been grateful for.
As we rapidly approach the festive season what about more practical intention setting – maybe you could challenge yourself to spread the Christmas cheer and be a vehicle for peace and love?
Remember the bigger picture. We’re all guilty of getting caught up in the small stuff and being distracted by the problems and challenges each day brings. It is so easy to take life for granted and yet as we know life is a very fragile thing and it can end in the blink of an eye. We could all fuel our spiritual lighthouses more if we simply embraced the wonder of being alive and open our hearts, minds and eyes to this remarkable gift seizing every moment to be thankful.
So you see you are really important and you do have a vital role to play because if enough of us choose to shine and tend our lighthouses diligently then collectively we can do something to counteract the darkness in our world and together make it a better place!

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