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how to connect with loves ones after they have died

How to connect with loved ones after they have died

What if death is not the end? What if you could reach and and connect with loved ones after they have died? Well I believe this is possible and in this blog you can find out how.


One of the most painful aspects of bereavement is the all-encompassing sense of loss that you will never see your loved one again, that they have gone forever. Yet in so many cultures and belief systems around the world death is not considered the end.  Instead it is seen as a transition from one state of being to another.  In my last blog, I discussed common ways your loved ones in the spirit, reach out to communicate with you. Many of you have experienced this. So, why should such communication be one-way? If your loved ones can contact you, why can’t you contact them?


It’s not as difficult as you might imagine. But it does require an open mind, practice and patience. In the techniques and practices that follow I will share with you how you can being to establish this wonderful communication and connection:


1. Ask

“If  you don’t ask you don’t get” is never truer than when it comes to working with the spirit world. When we ask the universe for something we set an intention and you know what – the universe listens. So if you want to connect with your loved ones when they have died then ask them to draw close and connect with you.

I like to imagine my request beaming up to heaven as a golden wavelength of energy. It is not demanding but a loving request that has no attachments or expectations. You might like to say, “I open my heart and ask that you to show me a sign.” Ask your loved ones to walk through the day with you, visit your dreams, show you signs, draw close to you. Then, leave it to them to respond how they chose, when the moment is right.


2. Talk to them like you usually would

Chat with your loved ones as if they are by your side. Imagine your thoughts, like mobile phone calls reaching them. The more you get into the habit of opening up the pathways of communication the easier it is for the energy of connection between the two realms to flow.


3. Write

Journaling and letter writing is a beautiful way of communicating with those who have passed over. Through pen and paper you can share your thoughts and feelings, ask questions and dialogue about life. Writing is a very cathartic process in itself but when you add in the fact you are writing to someone who has passed over you are also opening up channels of connection and communion. It’s no different than staying in touch with a friend who has moved abroad.

Over time this process can evolve. I discovered that as I wrote to my father I could hear his voice in my mind talking back to me and in the end I was able to pour his words onto the paper. This is called, automatic writing or psychography.


4. Create the space to be still and connect

Spiritual connection with yourself and with your loved ones in heaven is very difficult when your mind is busy. You can only receive messages and connect with your loved ones when you create the space to do so. Here’s how you can do that:

  • Choose your ‘sit spot’
  • You might like to create a dedicated space with candles, incense, plants, a statue or spiritual image that is symbolic to you.
  • You can also include photos of your loved ones as this helps set the energetic intention
  • Sit in a comfy position, turning off all distractions
  • Close your eyes and mouth and use your breath to still and centre the body
  • Ask your loved ones to show you a sign, and/or draw close so you can sense them in some way
  • Be present and patient
  • Be open to what you sense, feel, hear, smell
  • Sit for as long as is comfy
  • When you are ready to end your quiet time thank your loved ones

When I first began doing this my mind was literally non stop. Within six weeks, however, I went from almost constant intrusive thoughts to being able to sit for half an hour, I even began to see colours and images in my minds eye – it really is just practice! If you create the quiet time to connect with your loved ones in spirit you will be able to sense them!


5. A beautiful meditation in which you sit with your loved one.

This is one of my favourite meditations and I have done this not only in my own practice for years but with all my children. And if they can do it so can you! Here’s how:

  • Sit down where you won’t be disturbed, phones and devices switched off
  • Get comfy.
  • Close your eyes and mouth, breathing slow, rhythmic breaths through your mouth until you feel the peace descend

Then visualise this:

  • Imagine that you are standing on a path by the side of a field on a warm Summer’s day
  • In front of you is a wooden gate
  • In your mind’s eye imagine pushing the gate open, notice the texture, weight and sound of the gate opening and walk into the field

Once you are in the field:

  • Look up and notice that at the top of the field is an ancient Oak tree
  • Walk up the field noticing as many details as you can. Use all your senses
  • As you draw closer to the tree you can see a wooden bench under the Oak
  • Take a seat on the bench and look out over the land
  • Invite your loved one in spirit to come and join you, be open to whatever unfolds
  • When you wish to leave retrace your steps back down the field and exit via the gate

You can do this guided meditation as often as you like, over time you will find that things spontaneously change. Maybe a new path opens up, animals enter, the tree grows a tree house etc.,. There are no rules, you can repeat this meditation over and over again. Each time you are creating the space for communication with your loved ones to take place.


So there you have it – five ways that enable you to connect with your loved ones after they have passed over. Remember these are all just starting points and there are no rights and wrongs. Try to leave doubt out of the equation too – magic and mystery are often lost when the mind wants to rationalise everything.


The ideas here are all ways to open up a bridge of communication between heaven and earth. For this reason they are not exhaustive. Bear in mind that anything you do that enhances your sensitivity and receptivity in mind, body and spirit helps.


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