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how do I connect with my spirit guides

Connect with your spirit guides

Learn how to connect with your spirit guides and discover a wonderful new way to experience life.


Imagine how wonderful it would be to have a team of wise, loving, and divine allies guiding you through every step of your life. Well I believe that’s exactly what you do have, and they are called your spirit guides. Your spirit guides are benevolent spiritual beings, operating from the purest vibrations of love, with only your highest interests at heart. They work alongside you to inspire, guide and support you as you navigate life.


Have you ever had a flash of inspiration, a whisper of intuition, or felt you’ve received a sign? Have you ever wondered how on earth you got out of something unscathed or even alive? If you have then you have probably felt your spirit guides at work!


Connecting with your guides is, I believe, life changing. Not only facilitating a deeply personal relationship with the spiritual realm it can also enrich your life in countless, beautiful and life changing ways! Here are just some of the benefits you can enjoy:

  1. A deeper sense of peace and well being
  2. Honed intuitive skills
  3. Access to your own and universal inspiration, wisdom and insight
  4. Greater clarity, confidence and creativity
  5. A deeper spiritual connection to the universe and a sense of oneness with all life
  6. Living a life of purpose in greater alignment and authenticity
  7. An easier and more fluid life


Doesn’t that sound amazing! Well it’s all possible and in this blog I’d like to show you how you access all of this and more. You don’t need any special skills or to have a particular faith to work with your guides. The only prerequisite is an open mind, an open heart and a desire to explore this area with positive, kind intentions.


So here are 8 tools and techniques that enable you to connect with your spirit guides:

1. Ask and listen

Asking for help and guidance is a simple yet crucial starting point. When you ask your spirit guide for help it invites your spirit team to support you. Each time you reach out to your spirit guides, you strengthen your connection with them and integrate their presence into your daily life. The more you do this, the easier communication becomes. I used to worry that asking too often would annoy them, but spirit guides are not human—they won’t get fed up with you.

So ask them all the time, with everything. Ask them to:

  • Be with you through the day
  • Protect you near challenging people
  • Protect you as you drive down the motorway
  • Inspire you or help you solve a problem
  • Help you find something that you have lost
  • Save you a parking space (my kids call this ‘asking the parking angel’ )
  • Bring you the energy, mindset or vibe that you need (be that clarity, compassion, patience, courage, strength etc.,)
  • Protect you at night (I have also written a blog on how to protect spiritual energy)

As well as asking for their insight and creating the space for communication with your guides it’s also worth pointing out that you need to observe, notice and listen. Spirit messages can flit through out mind like a darting thought. They can be soft and gentle.


2. Quiet time

I have found that spirit communicate with us in whispers. It is hard to hear whispers when you are frantically busy. They are easier to hear when you are quieter or in autopilot. Have you ever noticed that ideas pop into your head when you are driving the car, loading the dishwasher, or taking a shower?  When you are not having to consciously think and your mind is in autopilot spirit are able to drop ideas and suggestions into your thoughts.

Consciously creating quiet time enables you to create the space to become more receptive to whispers. Meditation and breath work are the most profound tools for crating the space to receive inspiration. However quiet time can also be:

  • Walking in nature
  • Listening to classical music
  • Practising yoga, dance and practices like Qi Gong
  • Creative writing or journalling
  • Arts and crafts
  • Your favourite hobby – even jogging and exercise
  • Mindfulness

Any time where you drop into the moment and lose yourself opens the pathway of communication and communion with your spirit team. Of course remember to ask your guides to join you at such times.

3. Writing

Journaling is a great way to communicate with your guides. It allows you to receive and record messages in a tangible form. You might be surprised by the insights and messages that emerge on the page. Begin by setting a peaceful and quiet environment where you won’t be disturbed. You might like to start with a brief meditation or some gentle breathing to centre yourself. Write down a clear intention or question directed to your spirit guide at the top of the page. Allow your thoughts to flow freely, without overthinking, start writing whatever comes to mind. Trust that your spirit guide may communicate through these spontaneous thoughts and insights. Stay consistent with your practice, making journaling a daily or regular ritual to deepen your connection over time.


4. Meditate

Meditation is a powerful tool for well-being but it is the most important tool for spiritual development. It facilitates a deep connection within and is the centre for communion with your soul and all things spirit. Here is a brief outline on a meditation you can do to open the space to meet your spirit guides (but I hope to add a guided meditation video for you to follow in the near future):

  1. Sit down in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed
  2. Close your eyes and mouth and begin to focus on your breathing. Notice the flow of air in and out of your nostrils, the rise and fall of your chest. Allow your body to relax with each breath, letting go of any tension
  3. Imagine your are in a serene, beautiful place, one that brings you peace and comfort. Maybe a meadow or a beautiful garden.  Visualise your chose place in as much detail as possible, noticing the colours, sights, sounds and fragrances
  4. Silently ask your guides to make their presence known
  5. Be patient and open to any sensations, images, messages and or thoughts that arise
  6. Take your time, allowing the experience to unfold naturally, simply observing what comes to you
  7. Trust that your guides are with you, even if you don’t perceive them immediately
  8. When you feel ready, express gratitude to your spirit guide and slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment
  9. Open your eyes, feeling refreshed and connected

Don’t be discouraged if at first you don’t get much. With practise and perseverance you can do the same. Bit by bit you will be able to sense and perceive your guides more and more both in meditation and around you.



5. Dreams

Dreams can be a powerful way to connect with the spiritual realm and setting the intention for this is very important. As you prepare for bed, create a calm atmosphere, perhaps with soothing music or dim lighting. You might like to meditate or practice some mindful breathing. Silently or out loud, ask your spirit guide to visit you in your dreams to provide guidance and messages. If there is a particular problem you are facing be specific in what guidance you need.

Keep a journal and pen by your bedside. As soon as you wake record any dreams, feelings, thoughts or impressions. If you have asked a specific question also pay attention to your first thought upon waking, this is often your intuitive answer. Pay attention to recurring symbols, themes, or feelings in your dreams. Reflect on these dream messages regularly, and over time, you may notice patterns or insights that can help guide you in your waking life.


 6. Nature

If you’re looking to deepen your connection with your spirit guides, the great outdoors is an ideal place to start. The powerful energy of Mother Nature has a profound effect on the human body. Walking or placing your feet barefoot on the grass or leaning against a tree grounds your energy. Furthermore it clears your mind, and opens your heart to receive insight. It’s the ideal environment to connect with elemental guides, nature spirits and animal spirits.


Take a mindful walk in nature, focusing on the sights, sounds, and smells around you. Breathe in the beautiful energies and give yourself permission to relax. A meditative practice like this creates the space for your guides to share their guidance. The cycles and beauty of nature can mirror your own spiritual journey, offering profound lessons and insights. By immersing yourself in nature, you shift your energy and open yourself up to the subtle influences and impressions of spirit.  So, step outside, breathe deeply, and let the natural world open the door to your spiritual connection.


Do not forget that nature is ever present even when you’re going about your busy life. Remember to look up and around during the day and notice the natural world around you.  A butterfly, a white feather, even an animal crossing your path can all carry symbolism and meaning.

7. Signs and Synchronicities

Spirit guides love to communicate through signs and synchronicities. These could be:

  • Repeated numbers such as 111, 222, or 333
  • Finding coins, especially in unusual places
  • Encountering butterflies, robins, rainbows or white feathers, particularly in unexpected moments
  • Hearing a specific song or lyric that seems to address your current situation
  • Coming across a book or passage that answers a question or offers guidance
  • Flickering lights or other electrical disturbances
  • Experiencing sudden chills or warmth
  • A strong sense of being touched or someone being close by
  • Fragrance and smells such as cigar smoke or a a certain perfume

Pay attention and stay observant to the signs around you noticing any recurring messages or themes. Make sure keep an open mind and heart as nudges from the universe are subtle and easily overlooked. When you notice a sign, take a moment to reflect on its meaning and how it resonates with your life. Think about what message you can take away from it.



8. A sacred space within your home

Creating a sacred sit spot in your home is a beautiful way to connect with your spirit guides. This can be an altar you sit in front of, the corner of the room or just a meditation chair. You can decorate the space with flowers, crystals and calming scents as well as meaningful objects such as a statues, photos or artwork. Use this space for practices such as meditation, prayer, uplifting reading and journaling.

Over time your mind, body and spirit will automatically associate this space with your spiritual practice. You will be able to settle and still yourself with greater ease. Furthermore, with regular use spiritual energy builds in and around your chosen spot which in turn helps enhance your ability to enter a meditative/reflective state, where you can open your heart, and listen deeply.

From time to time do remember to cleanse your sacred space. You can do this by smudging. The ancient practice of energy cleansing.


Cultivating a relationship with your spirit guide is one of the most profound and life changing things you can do. As well as helping you to live a happier and more authentic life it adds a depth and a quality to life that is almost indescribable. All it requires is a little practice and some patience.  I firmly believe that anyone with good intentions, who wants to, can learn to connect with their spirit guides. By integrating any combination of the eight practices shared here into your daily life, on a regular basis you can do it too!

I hope that the information, ideas and suggestions here are the spring board for you developing your connection with those spirit guides that walk with you. If you enjoyed the blog then did stay tuned as I hope to release some eBooks and courses in the forthcoming months.  You can also sign up for my newsletter by adding your email to the signup form in the footer below, in which I share more spiritual insight and unique offers on my clothing with soul.

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