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10 easy self-care tips for your mental health

10 self-care tips and ideas to maximise your health, sanity and well being.

The modern world is super challenging and demanding on our time, energy and well being. Prioritising your self care and investing in yourself is so essential if you want to stay as healthy, happy and resilient as possible. With this is mind I have written 10 of my favourite tools and lifestyle tweaks that I believe will enable you to do just that!

In no particular order:

1. Recognise how important it is to take care of yourself

Do your put yourself last, ignore your own needs or even neglect yourself?  If the answer is, ‘yes’ then maybe it’s time to give yourself permission to invest in your well being. Remember the stronger and happier you are the better placed you are to be there for everyone else! If you struggle with self care grab some paper and brainstorm where this pattern of behaviour comes from? What are the consequences of not looking after yourself? What do you need to do differently?

2. Get Inspired 

Expand your mind and enjoy some inspiration. From Podcasts, books to YouTube and Facebook there is a wealth of spiritual inspiration to be had.  Consider signing up to an online course in something that interests you. Feeling inspired boosts creativity, enhances motivation and productivity, and improves mental well being.

3. Meditate

Try meditation. If you are new to this practice there are guided meditations on apps  like Insight Timer or Calm. There are YouTube videos too. Research has shown that if you build it into your everyday routine it becomes an automatic habit. Meditation will anchor and ground you enabling you to weather the life’s challenges with greater resilience. Meditation is also the starting point of connection with your higher self, your intuition and the universe.

4. Step into nature

Nature is fabulous for mental and spiritual health. It helps in countless ways, from reducing stress, and improving mood, to promoting inner calm, it is quite literally, ‘a breath of fresh air.’ Disconnecting from technology and taking a break in nature enhances mental clarity and can enable you to see your troubles from a fresh and more reflective perspective. It is also soothing balm for your soul and recharges your auric field which in turn helps you stay healthier in mind, body and spirit. Research has shown that even watching a TV programme on the natural world has a calming effect on your mind!

5. Stay social

Make the time to connect with your friends and loved ones especially those that make you laugh and lift your spirits.  It is easy to just text and message but get in the habit of calling people and chatting, or even better getting together in person.

6. Get moving

Stretch and move your body.  Whether it’s yoga, swimming or an exercise class physical activity is well documents to make a profound difference to your physical and mental health. It reduces anxiety, depression and reduces stress. Even dancing to your favourite songs or a brisk walk round your local park will improve your sleep, increase your energy and lift your spirits.

7. Declutter and organise

Take a cupboard, a drawer or the corner of a room. Strip it, clean it, dust it and organise it. Not only does it give you a sense of achievement when you clear out clutter you also clear your mind – the two are integrally linked.  Spring cleaning at any time in the year is also a great way to enjoy a sense of achievement.

8. Digital detox

It’s very easy to have poor boundaries when it comes to technology.  However it’s super important to your well being to have time, every day, when you are not scrolling through emails, social media, online news or texts. Try to limit your screen time and have set periods when you don’t touch technology. Try to get in the habit of putting your phone down two hours before bed so your brain can totally unwind. Challenge yourself to get bored! Think of all those moments when there is a pause and you reach for your phone! Instead of distraction take those few minutes to check in with yourself and your body. What’s going on? How do you feel? You could even practice some slow mindful breathing.

9. Nourish your body

Few of us can plead ignorance when it comes to knowing what we should be eating to nourish the body. There is no limit to accessing quick and easy recipes for good health. But it is easy to forget that food equals mood. Avoiding huge energy spikes helps your body stay in equilibrium which in turn helps your mindset. Healthy, nutritious whole foods nourish your brain and body which in turn underpins your mental and emotional health. Add in hydration, good sleep, and exercise and you are really helping yourself.

10. Journal

Writing a journal is a wonderful way for you to express your thoughts and feelings.  If you can pick a regular time to do it and you will find that it becomes a very cathartic habit.  Writing allows us to release much of what we are holding as well as seeing things from new perspectives.  Journaling is also a great way to go within and explore ourselves in a deeper and more revealing way.


So there you go 10 ideas for you to try to help you to invest in your mental health and your spiritual well being.  Remember there are no rights and wrongs just what works for you.


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