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how to smudge your home of negative energy blog

How to cleanse negative energy in your home with smudging

Cleanse negative energy in your home with the ancient art of smudging

We’ve all felt the need to declutter a messy room and give our home a good spring clean, but did you know you can also energetically cleansing your space? The ancient practice of smudging uses the smoke from gently burning herbs like white sage, to cleanse and refresh stagnant, negative energy. It is remarkably easy and not only can you smudge your home but can also smudge yourself! So read on to find out how you can transform your home and elevate your well-being with the powerful ritual of smudging.

When might you want to smudge your home?

  • When you have been arguing or when you have had difficult or challenging visitors
  • When someone in your home is sick, feeling low, depressed or are stressed
  • When you are grieving a loss
  • When you move into a new home, office space and even a new car
  • When you Spring clean, declutter or redecorate a room
  • When you have had a nightmare
  • When you feel like it!

Here’s what you will need:

  1. A smudge stick. White sage is the most popular (you can buy our smudge sticks here)
  2. A ceramic bowl or fireproof dish to collect any debris, some people like to use abalone shells
  3. A lighter or a candle

Here’s what to do:

Lighting your smudge stick and setting an intention

  • Open the windows and pull back the curtains to allow the air to flow freely. I turn off the T.V. and leave my phone in another room on silent. I smudge when I am alone at home so I can enjoy it as a beautiful ritual
  • Set an intention. I also like to call upon the universe to join me (this is optional). Say your intention out loud – I include my intention in my invocation. I say something    like this:  “I humbly call upon the angelic realms/Great Spirit (whatever works for you) to help me to cleanse the energy in my home. May all darkness and                     negativity  be released and may my home be filled with the energy of light and love. Amen”
  • Light your smudge stick by holding it at a 45 degree angle above the flame. Let it flame for 20-30 seconds so it’s fully alight. Once it is burning extinguish the flames so     that it smoulders.
  • You can either hold the smudge stick in your hand and move it to where you want the smoke to waft (using the bowl to catch any debris). It is also possible to put the         smudge stick in the fireproof vessel and direct the smoke with a large feather


  • You might like to smudge yourself first before moving on to the room. If you’d like to do this move the smoking from your head and down your body all the way to your    feet. You might like to say a prayer or mantra as you do this. Maybe something like: “I release negativity and unwanted energy, I am filled with peace and light.”
  • When you are ready move around the room in a clockwise direction. Direct the smoke to where you want to cleanse the energy, in the corners of the room, behind              doors, as well as underneath, behind and around furniture, objects, plants etc., As you do this imagine the negative energy being cleared out and refreshed. You might      like to say a mantra. Something like this: “I cleanse my home or negativity and heaviness, I call on the power of light to fill my home.”
  • Focus on any areas where you feel stagnant or negative energy might have collected. This is especially relevant if someone unpleasant has been in a specific seat or area.
  • You can smudge one room or move slowly and go through every room in the house .
  • When you are ready gently dab the smudge stick out (be aware that in really thick sage bundles the flame can still smoulder inside) so do be mindful it is properly out.      Don’t use water to extinguish it if you wish to use the stick again. Traditionally the ash from the smudging (which also has energetic residue) is given back to the earth      and deposited outside.

and finally….

For hundreds of years many religions, cultures and indigenous tribes from around the world have used smoking herbs, sacred fires and incense as tools to purify and cleanse. Scientific studies have shown that smudging with white sage reduces over 94% of harmful airborne bacteria as well as releasing negative ions. Research also found that the smoke’s ability to purify and disinfect the air lasted up to twenty-four hours and many of the pathogenic bacteria had not returned to the same room, even after 30 days!


There is no right or wrong way to smudge your home. Allow your intuition to guide you. It can be a very practical activity or you can imbibe it with symbolism and meaning to become a beautiful ritual. Either way it will work its timeless magic.


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